Somalia leads the way in GBV Case Management knowledge transfer

Maria Caterina Ciampi (GBVIMS Case Management Technical Specialist), and Kate Rougvie (GBVIMS Inter-agency Coordinator) of the GBVIMS Global Team, traveled to Somalia in April 2018 to work with National GBVIMS Coordinator Elizabeth Kigen to support the strengthening of Case Management capacity across GBVIMS user organisations, following a series of trainings, and trainings-of-trainers delivered during 2017. Since then, trainees have stormed ahead with spreading the skills they acquired through those earlier trainings, setting a strong example for other country rollouts.

In early 2017, the GBVIMS Global Team delivered two five-day Case Management trainings to GBV service provider organisations across Somalia. In September 2017, during a five-day Training of Trainers, 24 participants were retained to form the first GBVIMS Pool of Case Management Trainers in Somalia. Collectively, these committed trainers have conducted an incredible 18 step-down trainings, for a combined total of 78 training days, targeting 16 different organizations (including Government), in seven different regions. In total, 548 individuals were trained, of which 232 males and 316 females. The success of this initiative is also due to the strong inter-agency collaboration between UNICEF, UNFPA, UNHCR, the GBV Sub Cluster, GBVIMS Task Force, and the Global GBVIMS Steering Committee. It is expected that additional 395 males and 703 females will be trained by December 2018 in 13 regions.

For more on GBV Case Management, check out the GBV Case Management Inter-Agency Guidelines under the 'Implementation' tab.