COVID-19 Guidance on Remote GBV Services Focusing on Phone-based Case Management and Hotlines OUT NOW!!!
The COVID-19 Guidance on Remote GBV Services Focusing on Phone-based Case Management and Hotlines is OUT NOW!!!
Through the GBV Area of Responsibility Helpdesk, GBV responder organisations and agencies International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, TrĂ³caire, Norwegian Church Aid, Plan International, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNHCR came together to develop this Guidance to assist GBV responders in establishing and running remote GBV services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This guidance differentiates two types of services most commonly requested during the pandemic -phone-based cased management services, and hotlines. It draws from and attempts to synthesize good practices that have emerged while agencies try to meet the needs of GBV survivors in a variety of contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the GBVIMS Video and Podcast series and Guidance Notes on GBV Case Management, GBVIMS and COVID-19.
In the Guideline, you will find information to help you:
- Establish and deliver phone-based GBV case management services
- Establish and deliver GBV hotline services
- Safety planning and other support for high-risk clients
- Update referral pathways
- Documentation and data storage
- Supervision and staff care for caseworkers and hotline staff
The Guidance also looks at a variety of additional issues that you may encounter, including technology and network access, as well as Safety Planning.
Stay tuned for the upcoming GBV AoR Community of Practice webinar to introduce the resource.