Moving to Remote GBV Case Management and Information Management in the COVID-19 response
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many GBV service providers have had to adapt their service provision in order to ensure the continuity of life-saving GBV services aligned with global best practice in GBV case management and information management. To support these adaptations, the GBVIMS Steering Committee has developed a series of resources including video shorts, podcasts and guidance notes on remote GBV case management and information management in the context of the COVID-19 response.
If you have any further questions, please contact the GBVIMS Global Team at To subscribe to the GBVIMS mailing list and receive all learning products developed by the GBVIMS Global Team, you can go to and follow the instructions at the bottom of the welcome page.
For information on accessing the GBVIMS emergency intake form please see our dedicated page here.