Coming soon!
The GBVIMS was created to harmonize data collection on GBV in humanitarian settings, to provide a simple system for GBV project managers to collect, store and analyze their data, and to enable the safe and ethical sharing of reported GBV incident data. The intention of the GBVIMS is both to assist service providers to better understand the GBV cases being reported as well as to enable actors to share data internally across project sites and externally with agencies for broader trends analysis and improved GBV coordination.
Using standardized incident report forms and a globally-standardized incident classification system, GBV primary service providers can enter data into the Incident Recorder and instantly generate statistical tables and charts enabling them to analyze their data, identify correlations between data fields and reveal trends in their reported data. These automatically-generated reports include statistics on the incidents, survivors, and to a lesser extent on the perpetrators.
They also include a snapshot of referral pathways and actions taken. Examples of the types of information provided by the Incident Recorder include: the most-commonly reported types of GBV; the most-affected age groups of survivors; and, the type of service that survivors are most frequently referred from and referred to (e.g. health, police, etc…).
Providing a safe and ethical mechanism for primary service providers to share and access compiled GBV data is one cornerstone of good GBV coordination. At a minimum, actors should be clear on what data will be shared, for what purpose, who will compile the data, and how and when actors will be able to access the compiled statistics. The GBVIMS Incident Recorder anonymizes and standardizes reported GBV data in order to facilitate sharing of sensitive information between humanitarian actors in a safe manner. Comprehensive guidelines for developing data-sharing protocols, as well as information on all of the ethical and safety issues that must be considered before sharing data are an integral part of the GBVIMS project.
The training module on GBV Case Management Responses to SEA was designed toaccompany the Interagency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials andthe forthcoming GBV Case Management E-learning (an online adaption of theInteragency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials). This module wasdeveloped under UNFPA’s leadership in collaboration with the inter-agency GBVIMSSteering Committee - IRC, IMC, UNICEF […]
Check out the latest update from the rollout of the GBV Case Management Capacity Building Initiative in the Gambia!