Inter-Agency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials

Training Facilitator Manuals

Training Modules  

Welcome and Introduction Module

Module 1: Basic Concepts

Module 2: Power & GBV

Module 3: Consequences of GBV

Module 4: Causes & Context of GBV

Module 5: Basics Review

Module 6: GBV Attitudes and Perceptions

Module 7: Theoretical Foundation for a Survivor-Centred Approach

Module 8: Guiding Principles & Roles and Responsibilities

Module 9: Communication Skills

Module 10: Overview of GBV Case Management

Module 11: GBV Case Management Step 1: Introduction and Engagement

Module 12: GBV Case Management Step 2: Assessment

Module 13: GBV Case Management Step 3: Case Action Planning

Module 14: GBV Case Management Steps 4, 5 and 6: Implementation, Case Follow-up, & Case Closure

Module 15A: GBV Case Management Responses to Intimate Partner Violence for Women and Girls

Module 15B: GBV Case Management Responses to Intimate Partner Violence: Mediation

Module 15C: GBV Case Management Responses to Sexual Violence for Women and Girls

Module 16: GBV Case Management Responses to Adolescent Girls and Child/Early Marriage

Module 17A: GBV Case Management with LGBTI Survivors

Module 17B: GBV Case Management with Male Survivors of Sexual Violence

Module 17C: GBV Case Management with Survivors with Disabilities

Module 18: Supervision

Module 19: Staff Care

Module 20: GBV Information Management and Case Management

NEW!!! Module 21: GBV Case Management Responses to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Training Evaluation Tools

Latest news and updates

June 19, 2024

New Resources! Training Module on GBV Case Management Responses to SEA - out now!!!

The training module on GBV Case Management Responses to SEA was designed toaccompany the Interagency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials andthe forthcoming GBV Case Management E-learning (an online adaption of theInteragency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials). This module wasdeveloped under UNFPA’s leadership in collaboration with the inter-agency GBVIMSSteering Committee - IRC, IMC, UNICEF […]

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July 26, 2021

Stories from the field: GBV Case Management Capacity Building in the Gambia.

Check out the latest update from the rollout of the GBV Case Management Capacity Building Initiative in the Gambia!

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February 5, 2021

COVID-19 Guidance on Remote GBV Services Focusing on Phone-based Case Management and Hotlines OUT NOW!!!

The COVID-19 Guidance on Remote GBV Services Focusing on Phone-based Case Management and Hotlines is OUT NOW!!! Through the GBV Area of Responsibility Helpdesk, GBV responder organisations and agencies International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, Trócaire, Norwegian Church Aid, Plan International, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNHCR came together to develop this Guidance to assist GBV responders […]

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