Common Technical Support Issues and Solutions

These are commonly asked questions or technical support issues that may be faced by GBVIMS Users.  For solutions, click on the links below:

  1. The  dropdown menu for a field on the Incident Data worksheet does not contain all the options I want to enter.
  2. I can’t customize a dropdown menu.  When I make the changes I want to the tables on the Menu Data worksheet and click ‘Update Menus in the Incident Data Worksheet’ nothing happens.  Why?
  3. Why can’t I modify certain cells on the Incident Recorder?
  4. When I try to type in the data I want to enter into the Incident Data worksheet, I get a ‘DATA ENTRY ERROR’ box.  Why?
  5. I don’t know/have forgotten the password to open my IR.  What should I do?
  6. Why are there missing columns from my IR?
  7. Why are there missing rows and/or missing data from my IR and pivot tables?  OR There seems to be missing information from my pivot table.  Why is this?
  8. I cannot find the filter buttons on my IR. What do I do?
  9. Which version of Excel should I use to save the IR?
  10. When I open the IR I receive a message that says “Excel has found unreadable content” and then lists a number of pivot tables. What does this mean?
  11. I’m having difficulty entering dates into the Incident Data worksheet and an error box keeps appearing. What am I doing wrong?
  12. When I click on Monthly Statistics worksheet, it’s completely empty!  Is it broken?
  13. Why can’t I click on any of the cells on the Monthly Statistics worksheet?
  14. Why can’t I edit my pivot tables?  None of my pivot tables have a Pivot Table Field List or an Areas Section.
  15. When I click on my pivot table, there are no blue lines outline the table.  What should I do?
  16. I need to add new formatted lines to the Incident Recorder because we have already reached row 100o.  How can I do this?
  17. I want to sort the data in a column.  How can I do this?
  18. I want to add additional options to choose from in the drop down menu OR I would like to customize the drop down menus.  How can I do this?
  19. I need to password protect the incident recorder. How can I do this?

Latest news and updates

June 19, 2024

New Resources! Training Module on GBV Case Management Responses to SEA - out now!!!

The training module on GBV Case Management Responses to SEA was designed toaccompany the Interagency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials andthe forthcoming GBV Case Management E-learning (an online adaption of theInteragency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials). This module wasdeveloped under UNFPA’s leadership in collaboration with the inter-agency GBVIMSSteering Committee - IRC, IMC, UNICEF […]

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July 26, 2021

Stories from the field: GBV Case Management Capacity Building in the Gambia.

Check out the latest update from the rollout of the GBV Case Management Capacity Building Initiative in the Gambia!

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February 5, 2021

COVID-19 Guidance on Remote GBV Services Focusing on Phone-based Case Management and Hotlines OUT NOW!!!

The COVID-19 Guidance on Remote GBV Services Focusing on Phone-based Case Management and Hotlines is OUT NOW!!! Through the GBV Area of Responsibility Helpdesk, GBV responder organisations and agencies International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, Trócaire, Norwegian Church Aid, Plan International, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNHCR came together to develop this Guidance to assist GBV responders […]

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