GBVIMS in the News
Pan American Health Organization. Researchers seek to ensure safety of women in studies of gender-based violence. (December 2011). For more information about the panel including panelist bios and presentations, click here
Monday Developments Magazine (July 2011). Getting Data Right. p 24.
Forced Migration Review (October 2011). GBV Data Collection and Sharing. [PDF] [Text]
Other Resources
The 2015 Inter-Agency Standing Committee Gender-based Violence (GBV) Guidelines have been revised from the 2005 version by an inter-agency Task Team led by UNICEF and UNFPA, and endorsed by the IASC in 2015.
The purpose of the Guidelines is to assist humanitarian actors and communities affected by armed conflict, natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies to coordinate, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate essential actions for the prevention and mitigation of GBV across all sectors of humanitarian response.
The overall goal of the Guidelines is to support humanitarian stakeholders in fulfilling their responsibility to protect all those affected by crises, by:
- Reducing risk of GBV by implementing GBV prevention and mitigation strategies from pre-emergency to recovery stages of humanitarian action.
- Promoting resilience by strengthening national and community-based systems that prevent and mitigate GBV, and by enabling survivors and those at risk of GBV to access specialized care and support.
- Aiding recovery of communities and societies by supporting local and national capacity to create lasting solutions to the problem of GBV.
The Caring for Survivors of Sexual Violence in Emergencies package is a product of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Sub-Working Group on Gender in Humanitarian Action with support from the Gender-based Violence Area of Responsibility (GBV AoR). The inter-agency training package “Caring for Survivors” was developed in an effort to provide multi-sectoral actors with the necessary survivor-centered skills and tools to improve referral systems and care and support to survivors of GBV in their communities.
The training pack is composed of two main modules: a general/psychosocial module and a medical module. Each module is divided into two manuals: one for participants and one for facilitators. In addition, for the medical modules, power point presentations are included in the training package to support the facilitation of these modules.
This Training Pack can be used to develop multi-sectoral skills (e.g. health, psychosocial, legal/justice and security) and is designed for professional health care providers, as well as for members of the legal professionals, police, women’s groups and other concerned community members, such as community workers, teachers and religious workers.
Clinical Care for Sexual Assault Survivors: In most conflict-affected countries, health care workers lack the skills to provide optimal care to survivors of sexual assault. The IRC partnered with UCLA’s Center for International Medicine to create a multimedia training tool designed for use in resource-limited and conflict-affected health settings. Since 2008 the Clinical Care for Sexual Assault Survivors training DVD has been used to train health care workers across Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. The goal of this tool is to improve the clinical care of sexual assault survivors in low resource settings by demonstrating compassionate, competent, and confidential care in keeping with international standards. It is intended for use in the training of all staff in health clinics (clinicians and non-clinicians) who interact with sexual assault survivors.
Managing GBV Programming in Emergencies (UNFPA): This course was developed by the UNFPA and World Education, Inc. in consultation with a wide range of GBV experts and humanitarian and development actors worldwide, the goal of this course is to improve the knowledge of programme managers to better address the issue of gender-based violence in humanitarian emergencies.
Establishing Gender-Based Violence Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for multi-sectoral and inter-organizational prevention and response to gender-based violence in humanitarian settings: This SOP guide aims to provide concrete support to humanitarian country teams to enable humanitarian actors to implement at least the minimum standards for prevention and response to sexual violence in the early stages of an emergency and into more stabilized phases, as described in the Guidelines for GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Settings: Focusing on Prevention of and Response to Sexual Violence in Emergencies (IASC, 2005). Note: the SOP guideline references a draft version of the GBV case definitions, and not the current, finalized GBV Classification Tool.
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) (2002). Report of the Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises.
IASC (2005). Guidelines for Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings:Focusing on Prevention of and Response to Sexual Violence in Emergencies.
OCHA (2003). Glossary of Humanitarian Terms: In relation to the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict.
RHRC (2003). Gender Based Violence Tools Manual.
UNHCR (2003). Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Guidelines for Prevention and Response.
WHO (2007). Ethical and safety recommendations for researching, documenting and monitoring sexual violence in emergencies. (English) (French)
Women’s Refugee Commission (2009). “Building Livelihoods: A Field Manual for Practitioners in Humanitarian Settings.”