
Download the most recent version of these documents.

Fact Sheets, Overview, Evaluation


User Guide

Implementation Resources

Guidance Notes

  • Government Engagement in the GBVIMS [English]
  • GBVIMS Do's and Don'ts [English]
  • How Does GBVIMS Data Work with Other Types of GBV Data [English]
  • Provisional Guidance Note: Intersections between the Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangements (MARA) and The Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) [English]
  • Note d’orientation provisoire entre le MARA et le GBVIMS  [Français]
  • How to conduct data quality checks [English]
  • How to analyze GBVIMS data [English]

Linking Data Analysis to Programming Series

GBVIMS in the News

  • Researchers seek to ensure safety of women in studies of gender-based violence [English]
  • Getting Data Right, Monday Development Magazine (Interaction) [English]
  • GBV Data Collection and Sharing, Forced Migration Review [English]

Additional Resources

  • Ethical and safety recommendations for researching, documenting and monitoring sexual violence in emergencies, WHO [English] [Français]
  • Inter-Agency Case Management Guidelines [English]
  • Guidelines for Integrating GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Action [Website]
  • Guidelines for Mobile and Remote Gender-Based Violence Service Delivery [English]
  • GBV Blended Curriculum [English]
  • Caring for Survivors Training Guide [English] [Français] [Español] [عربية]
  • Caring for Survivors General/Psychosocial Participant Manual [English] [Français] [Español] [عربية]
  • Caring for Survivors General/Psychosocial Facilitator’s Manul [English] [Français] [Español]
  • Caring for Survivors Medical Participant Manual [English] [Français] [Español] [عربية]
  • Caring for Survivors Medical Facilitator’s Manual [English] [Français] [Español] [عربية]
  • Caring for Survivors Medical Module Power Point Presentations [English] [Français] [Español] [عربية]
  • Caring for Survivors Participant Handouts [English]
  • 510 Data Responsibility Policy [English]
  • Managing GBV Programming in Emergencies, UNFPA (E-Learning Tool) [English]
  • Caring for Child Survivors [English]
  • Establishing Gender-Based Violence Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for multi-sectoral and inter-organizational prevention and response to gender-based violence in humanitarian settings [English]
  • Clinical Care for Sexual Assault Survivors, IRC (E-Learning Tool) [English]
  • Report of the Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Crises, IASC [English]
  • Guidelines for Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings: Focusing on Prevention of and Response to Sexual Violence in Emergencies, IASC [English]
  • Glossary of Humanitarian Terms: In relation to the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, OCHA [English]
  • Gender Based Violence Tools Manual, RHRC [English]
  • Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Guidelines for Prevention and Response, UNHCR [English]  [Français] [Español] [عربية]
  • Building Livelihoods: A Field Manual for Practitioners in Humanitarian Settings, Women’s Refugee Commission [English]
  • A survivor behind every number: using programme data on violence against women and girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo to influence policy and practice [English]
  • Safety planning for technology: displaced women and girls’ interactions with information and communication technology in Lebanon and harm reduction considerations for humanitarian settings [English]

Latest news and updates

July 10, 2024

NEW!!! Inter-Agency GBV Case Management Guidelines E-learning Platform

Coming soon!

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June 19, 2024

New Resources! Training Module on GBV Case Management Responses to SEA - out now!!!

The training module on GBV Case Management Responses to SEA was designed toaccompany the Interagency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials andthe forthcoming GBV Case Management E-learning (an online adaption of theInteragency GBV Case Management Guidelines Training Materials). This module wasdeveloped under UNFPA’s leadership in collaboration with the inter-agency GBVIMSSteering Committee - IRC, IMC, UNICEF […]

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July 26, 2021

Stories from the field: GBV Case Management Capacity Building in the Gambia.

Check out the latest update from the rollout of the GBV Case Management Capacity Building Initiative in the Gambia!

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